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Ruling on Blood Test and Donation


Does blood donation and blood test invalidate fast.


Praise be to Allah.

For blood donation: the more correct view is that blood donation invalidate the fast since it weakens the body. This is based on the Hadith concerning Hijjammah(cupping) invalidates the fast. The prophet (SAW) said: "The one who cups and is being cupped have both invalidated their fast" Tirmdhi(no. 774). Based on this, it is not permitted for a fasting person to donate his blood except out of necessity.

For Blood test: blood sampling maybe from vein, and they may be from the skin whereby the skin is punctured and a sample is taken from it. Taking a blood sample from the vein or via the skin doesn't invalidate fast based on correct view. Both of these issues are based on the issue of Hijjamah(Cupping), but the amount of blood extracted here is not the same as the amount extracted through Hijjamah, and thus does not weaken the body.

Reference: Contemporary medical related things that invalidate fast by Shayhk Khalid bn Ali

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